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sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

How to create a blog on Blogger? Steps to success


Creating a blog on is easier than you think. Only a few steps have to be followed and you can have one at the moment. Just pay attention and you will see!

The first thing needed to know is that blogger is a service owned by Google, so it’s highly recommended to have a personal google account before starting. If you don’t have it, the first step is going to this website: and create yours. Very simple. Nevertheless, you can also fill this form through the blogger web creator, as it will require you to sign in with a google account before starting the process. So, let’s get started!

First, go to and press the orange button, the one who says “create blog”. When done, the next screen will ask you for the previous mentioned google account, so you ‘ll be able to log in with your existent account (if you already have it) or to create a new one if you don’t have one yet.

When that is set, it’s time to create the blog. Blogger will ask you for a name for your blog and next will want you to create a web adress, so, you can write the same name you gave in the first step (without gaps nor capitals) and most times blogger will allow you (it won’t let you only if that web adress is already registered) to create the blog.

Then, select any template you like between the ones Blogger suggets you. You don't have to lose time deciding what to choose and how to customize it because later will be able to edit all these features through the dashboard. 

After that, congrats! Your blog is set and ready for you to publish as many posts as you like.

So the next step is learning how to publish a post in your new blog. Go to the left side of the main screen of your blog and press the button “+ new post”. It will drives you to a page which will reminds you of a Word text processing window. So all you have to do is write your text and experiment with all the features until everything is to your liking.

Finally, when you are done, press the button “publish post” and that’s all. Well done!

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